Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Welcome Baby Girl

Kinley Renae Williams

What a day the 7th of March was. I had a feeling that morning when I work up that you might come that day. The night before I had some contractions starting around 12am that lasted a couple of hours. I was a little worried that I would have you that night and I was so tired that I wasn't quite ready. You must have listened because the contractions went away and I was able to get a goods night sleep. The next day I exercised and then took Lucas and Cade out to McDonalds. We came home and around 12 I started having some contractions. These contractions did not go away and were starting to build. At 1:30 I went over to Amber Turners house for a friend luncheon and still had contractions there. They were starting to get a little painful and Evynn painted my toes in between contractions. At a little after 3 I decided to go home and had Dad come home from Burley. I spent the next 45 min in the tub and would turn on the jets when a contraction would come. Dad got home around 4 and I was having more and more intense contractions. After having them every 3 minutes for about an hour I decided we better go to the hospital. I called Juniel Bingham and Staci to tell them to meet us there. After a long drive to the hospital we made it to hospital. As I went to go inside I was having a contraction and had to run back out and throw up. I have puked through all my other labors so this wasn't anything new. We checked into the Emergency room and I told them I wanted to walk to Labor and Delivery, the guy taking us there told me no way and made me ride in the wheel chair. It was probably a good thing because it was quite the walk. We got to Labor and Delivery and they checked me. I was at a 6. I was glad I was at a 6 but was hoping to be a little further. They asked me what I wanted to do for pain and told me about stadol and I said yes that sounds good. Then they asked if I wanted an epidural and I said no...okay never mind lets just do the epidural. Juniel then asked me if I wanted her to be a mean friend and I said no in a very stressed way. She didn't argue. haha. The contractions were getting so intense and I was breathing really fast and hard. About 20 minutes later I told them I needed to go to the bathroom, so I went to the bathroom and sat there for a couple minutes. I was getting pretty vocal at this point. The nurse said you better get back on the bed I don't want you to have that baby on the toliet. So I got back up there and I was at an 8. She said the antheslogoist was on his way. About 10 minutes later my contractions were really severe and I was yelling, I mean yelling, at the top of my lungs. The anesthesiologist walked in and was ready to give me something when she checked me again and said nope, she is ready to push and have this baby. I was relieved to hear it was time and bore down and pushed. I knew I didn't want to push for very long so I gave it my all and pushed twice and then you were born. They put you on my chest. You were so beautiful. Your face was pretty squished from coming out so fast and you had the cutest crease at the top of your nose between your eyebrows. My water didn't break until I pushed so when you came out you were pretty quiet because you still had some fluid in your lungs. You rested on my chest while they suctioned out your lungs. You would then cry a little but not too much. You also didn't want to open your eyes. After a while they weighed you at 7lbs 4 oz and 18 in. long. 
We went down to postpartum and I just got to hold you and love you. You were so sweet and I didn't put you down. The only time we were apart is when the nurse had to come and take you for a bath and for your shots. The only time your cried or fussed is when they would come and check your vitals and when  you got your diaper changed. You nursed great loved to snuggle and be swaddled. We both slept a little here and there that night. The next day we finally decided on your name. Kinley Renae Williams. We had been thinking Kindle and Joss but both didn't seem to fit you. I suggested Kinley and both Dad and I liked it. I think after seeing me go through labor your dad said I could name you. I liked the name Kinley Renae and thought it fit you well.  The next day we got to go home around 4. We have now been home for four days and you are still such a sweetheart. You are starting to open your eyes more and more everyday. You hold your head up really well and when you wake up and want to eat, you are ready to eat promptly:) You calm at the sound of my voice and still eat lots. We are still trying to figure out the best sleeping routine but Im not in a hurry and am just enjoying your sweet spirit. So grateful for you Kinley. So glad you are in our family and so excited to watch you grow. 

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